Solving marketing challenges for small to mid-sized businesses

What we do:

Event marketing strategy and implementation
The Tring Festival of Fire is the annual fireworks fest which takes place at the local cricket club, attracting some 3,000 visitors. A successful event contributes some 10% of the clubs annual revenues and is vital for the sustainability of a facility which is also used by Hockey, Tennis, Youth Football, Running and Health and Fitness Clubs. Awaken Communications contributes pro bono event management, sponsorship development and marketing support.

Results include:

With visitor numbers tailing off and increased competition, Awaken Communications led a complete overhaul of the event in 2013. Initiatives included attracting sponsorship, adding food and beverage options, musical entertainment, selling tickets in advance for the first time, leaflet and poster distribution and intensive activity on social media. Visitor numbers and revenue doubled on the previous year and a new model has been established for future events, which Awaken Communications continues to support.

Client Testimonial:

“I am happy to recommend Awaken Communications without any reservation of any kind: they are hard working, focussed, and utterly determined but at the same time personable and good-natured individuals.”

Secretary – Tring Park Cricket Club


Tring Festival of Fire


Design and Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Marketing Consultancy,


August 21, 2019


Club Treasurer

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“I am happy to recommend Awaken Communications without any reservation of any kind: they are hard working, focussed, and utterly determined but at the same time personable and good-natured individuals.”